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written after hearing George Amabile read at Act II

we gather in the cellar-restaurant off Main Street sit at small tables sip wine discuss the forthcoming poetry service see the table-altar covered with burlap sacking cries impatient "where is he?" this poet my Mentor / teacher with him I have discussed argued metaphors juxtaposition there have been moments frozen in time dreams shared glimpses of a writing gift a poet-genius hushed silence clapping he has arrived pages recollated at a corner booth the service begins his apologies that only 2 of l7 sonnets are just good enough my friend stares the look of a rapt child we forgive the frustration for the sake of these few words the poetry Mass has ended we raise wine glasses eat pizza wafer and afterwards we discuss imagery the mundane
This poem was published in the May, 2000 issue of T-Zero.

copyright2002 G. Walker-Hobbs. This poem may be not reproduced without written permission from the author.

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