Light of the Universe
After reading Teilhard du Chardin’s Hymn of the Universe
Oh Lord Jesus Christ you are Saviour of all the world.
I see Your glory is reflected in the blaze of the sun
as its fire explodes upon these desert steppes.
I see Your glory in the unceasing azure of
skies overhead as far as the eye can see.
In its beauty, I feel the warmth of your love.
Each rock, each smallest sand granule
is but a part of the whole cosmos.
Man is but a tiny drop in that cosmos,
Evolved from a tiny globule of life.
How can one witness the grandeur of the universe
And not believe that You are at its centre?
Would that I could celebrate the glory of the Holy
Eucharist as I did in my home land of Auvergne.
I have no bread, only stale crumbs
to eat in memory of your body.
I have no chalice, only tepid well water
to celebrate the Covenant of your blood.
Lord Jesus Christ, I offer my life.
Lord God my Saviour, I offer my love.
Let me consecrate myself to you,
And let me be as one with you.
Let the splendour of your glory be the incandescent
flame of the sun exploding upon the desert steppes,
For You are the Light of my world,
The Light of the universe forever and ever.
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