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she sits in her wheelchair
works puzzles
delights in watching birds
at the feeder

she savours every moment
of cats, computers
chocolate, chilies
birthday bash, banquets
trouncing the gang 
at cribbage

at ninety
she greets each day with zest
not for her meek lavenders
colour her in rainbow shades

memories of laughter and pain
all the times we've shared

aunt, buddy, confidante
she listens to my problems
supports me in her quiet way
helps me make my own choices
she never says I told you so

her quiet courage gives
me strength
she's the one I'd like to have
in the middle of a storm

colour her special

For my Aunt Frances Wilcox on her 90th birthday, May 13, 1998.

copyright 1999 by G. Walker-Hobbs. This poem may be not reproduced without written permission from the author.

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