I shut out the present
remembering my ninth birthday
707 St. Clare; white frame house
red windowbox geraniums
flower pots on cement steps
"Keep out of the kitchen
while I'm baking your cake"
hundreds of things for me to do while my
hair dried:
ninety steps to the spruce tree
swing; the world moved up and
down as ropes untwisted
plucking pods from caragana
hedges I constructed
sepulchral whistles
Mom's garden
lush with mauve sweet rockets,
blue delphiniums
waxy margarite
petals reveal my fortunes:
he loves me, he loves me not
reality intrudes
Town Council edict:
"Inspect your property"
I don't want to see
this lot vacant
my home stood here
garden overgown
grass, ankle-high
no hazel-eyed mother
sitting on her bench
I turn away to weep

copyright 1999 by G. Walker-Hobbs. This poem may be not reproduced without written permission from the author.
This poem has also been published in Pulse Magazine.
This picture was painted by the late Maureen Henry for my 21st birthday. Thanks to my friend Tina for her help with the graphics.
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